If you suffer from diabetes, comprehensive eye exams are critical to maintaining healthy vision. If diabetes has impacted your sight, our eye doctor can help prevent further damage or blindness. Three of the most common eye diseases associated with diabetes Collins Eye Center treats are:

1. Cataracts

A cataract is a medical condition that causes the lens of the eye to become cloudy, making it difficult to see clearly. This condition often affects both eyes but not at the same rate. It’s most commonly related to aging, but diabetes can also cause cataracts. Cataracts cause blurred vision, sensitivity to bright lights, and difficulty seeing in low lights. Colors sometimes appear faded, and it’s possible to think you need glasses or a stronger prescription if you already wear glasses.

“Our doctor will conduct a vision test and examine the retina to evaluate the back of your eye and identify the presence of cataracts. A fluid pressure test is also sometimes performed to check for increased fluid pressure in the eyes, which may indicate the presence of cataracts.

One treatment for severe cataracts is surgical intervention. Medical practitioners will conduct a procedure to replace the affected natural lens with an artificial lens, thereby facilitating improved visual clarity. Not all cataract patients are immediate candidates for surgery. Doctor Collins will closely monitor the progression of the cataracts to assess their impact on vision. Surgery is recommended in cases where the cataracts significantly impede visual function.

2. Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the blood vessels at the back of the eye. In the beginning stages of the disease, you won’t have any symptoms. As it progresses, you may notice blurred vision, floating spots, dark areas of your vision, and loss of vision.

Excess sugar in the blood can obstruct the blood vessels in the eyes. New blood vessels attempt to develop, but they are fragile and may leak. Scar tissue forms as a result of new blood vessel growth. This potentially causes the retina to detach from the eye. Pressure within the eye increases, leading to damage to the optic nerve. The optic nerve transmits messages from the brain to the eye, and left untreated, blindness can occur.

3. Glaucoma

The presence of fluid within the eye is fundamental to sustaining optimal vision by regulating intraocular pressure within a healthy range. Elevated pressure levels pose a risk of causing damage to the optic nerve. Left untreated, glaucoma leads to blindness. During your visit, our doctor will perform a pressure test to determine if the amount of pressure in the eye is normal.

Glaucoma can’t be reversed, but its progression can be slowed. The doctor may prescribe eye drops, medications, laser treatment, or surgery to prevent the condition from worsening.

Schedule Regular Visits with an Eye Doctor

Regular visits to your eye doctor at Collins Eye Center will enable thorough monitoring of your eye health, particularly if you have diabetes. Our team has the expertise to diagnose and treat diabetic eye conditions, helping you preserve your eyesight. We are dedicated to improving your quality of life by recommending cutting-edge solutions to optimize your vision over time.